Race to the Tree!

A group of children are playing a game outside. One child is “it,” and they have to count to 10 before running to a big tree. The other children hide.

The child who is “it” begins to count out loud. “1, 2, 3…” The other children run to their hiding spots and try not to be seen. “4, 5, 6…” The child who is “it” looks around, trying to find the others. “7, 8, 9…”

When the child who is “it” reaches 10, they shout, “Ready or not, here I come!” and start running towards the big tree. The other children try to race to the tree as well, hoping to get there before the child who is “it.”

The child who makes it to the tree first gets to be “it” for the next round. The children laugh and have fun, and continue to play the game all day.